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17 posts
stories from the ONA21 Conference
How One Facebook Meme Group Sparks Youth Political Engagement

The Covid-19 pandemic may have reduced opportunities for in-person social connection, but it also fostered new platforms for engagement online, particularly for young students. One such platform, Zoom Memes for…
‘It’s always a challenge’: How the 2021 ONA virtual conference came together
Each year, directors begin to plan for the next Online News Association conference practically the second that the prior one ends. This includes scheduling sessions, inviting speakers, pulling together the…
Data reveal differences in return to in-person schooling
Explore a data visualization of school opening data during the COVID-19 pandemic, built in Flourish by ONA Newsroom’s Cat Wang.
Hear me out, start a podcast
Podcast enthusiasts were brewing with excitement in the chat room before the best practices session “So, You want to Start a Short-Form podcast?” even began during the ONA21 conference. As…
How bad is too bad?: Trauma-centered news stories and their impact on audience engagement
After a year of social and political unrest, a global pandemic and little time away from our digital devices, news consumers and newsrooms are seeking ways to consume and produce…
When to Unpublish: Everyone is entitled to a fresh start
Any run-in with the law can stick around in the digital world. Whether a misdemeanor or a felony, with a dismissal or a sentence, published news reports can just be…
Building relationships with your sources — and not just when it benefits the story
Some journalists may feel the need to disconnect from their communities to maintain objectivity. In the same vein, some reporters are under the notion that they don’t need their communities…
‘We aren’t that woke’: Journalists on addressing racial blind spots
Over the last 18 months, the twin crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and systemic racism have brought racial blind spots to the forefront of reporting across America. There have been…
Data visualizations let data speak, but the average U.S. audience may not understand
While eye-catching data viz pieces like the Financial Times “Coronavirus tracker” or New York Times “The Pandemic Has Split in Two,” are accurate and effective for a numerically literate public,…
Text messaging emerges as audience engagement strategy
Your cellphone dings. That could be your dentist reminding you about your appointment next week. Maybe your DoorDash delivery guy dropped your burrito off on your doorstep. Perhaps Old Navy…